Your PR photos can set you apart from your competition. They can really make a mark on the mindset of your audience. PR photos can make your brand THE brand on everyone’s lips.
But how do you take good PR photos? Can anyone do them? What is that vital ingredient that are going to make your shots great as opposed to ‘meh’. You want your big idea to go global? PR shots are a brilliant opportunity to do so.
Here’s what you need to know.
Tell The Story

Disembodied heads. Confusing backgrounds. Dull and flat depths of field and focus. None of these quite capture the essence of what is it about your brand that’s just so special.
Your photographs should tell a story. They should speak of the love, passion and creativity you bring to the table. They should capture the minds and hearts of your audience and tug at your target market until they’re inspired to act.
Can it be done? Check out our work with Beauty Boosters. This was a guerrilla marketing campaign that we helped bring to life that involved us going to the Australian Open! Clever, creative and ‘think outside the box’ – that’s classic marketing 101. And the photos can help that great idea gain way more traction than just a cute gimmick on the day.
Colour and POP – Pizzaz!

This speaks for itself. You need images that are going to make a mark and light up the screen or the page. Check out our work from the L’Occitane Collins Street opening launch in Melbourne. Shots like these go viral. They’re beautiful on social media and they’re worth their weight in gold in terms of brand awareness.
Control, Control, Control

It’s an easy mistake to make. Amateur photographers will completely crowd a shot – so much so that the product and the ‘vibe’ is often lost.
Here’s what you should and can control when shooting PR photos:
- Monitor the amount of people who are in the shot – you don’t want too many as it will deflect attention from where you’d like it
- Check the background – location is everything!
- Use height or different levels to get an interesting perspective that’s more pleasing to the eye
- Consider props – what works? What absolutely does NOT work? Think of it in terms of getting the audience excited about your brand
- Bring your elements together in a SINGLE image – a PR photo shouldn’t have to come with a big story explaining everything! Let your photo illustrate the story of your brand
- Get coverage – lots and LOTS of shots so you can find the perfect fit
Light It Up

Lighting is of incredible importance when it comes to your PR photos. Too little will leave your product and brand in the dark. Too much and it’s washed out – unusable and not able to be shared.
Work with professional photographers who will be able to control the lighting – or at least work around any hindrances. They can spotlight, navigate natural light and provide their own if need be. You need the pros.
Get Influential

Consider enhancing your PR photos by using an influencer who makes sense for your brand and your niche. Casual, fun, subtle photos may be a great avenue for you to explore a different kind of marketing than the old ‘slam ‘em over the head with it’ style.
Influencers will then share the image on their own platforms as well – increasing the depth of your engagement and reach and promoting your brand for their audience. Win win.
Don’t Rely on Photoshop

There’s only so much Photoshop can do to rescue bad PR photos. You want to get it right the first time.